Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Try these topical clap-backs next time someone comes at you, bro

Try these topical clap-backs next time someone comes at you, bro

  • You drive more recklessly than Tiger Woods running to the corner store/running to pick up his pain pills/running after departing sponsors/running from relationship drama of his causing.

  • You’ve got another kid on the way? You guys are multiplying faster than unnecessary podcasts.

  • On a scale of Joe Biden to Bill Cosby/Jeffrey Epstein with Deshaun Watson in the middle, what was his creep factor?

  • My dad’s got lower expectations of me than Democrats have of black people.

  • That movie flopped worse than a striker in the penalty box.

    • Note: for anyone who lives in America, this one employed soccer terms.

  • You’re blinder to your own faults as a person than Republicans are of racism.

    • Republican variation: You cry about small things more than Democrats cry racism.

  • You came at me faster than conservatives rushing to defend gun rights after a mass shooting.

    • Conservative variation: You came at me faster than liberals rushing to destroy gun rights after a mass shooting.

  • Make sure to wring your mop out better. This floor is wetter than Cardi B’s genitals.

    • Note: spoken from the perspective of a fast food restaurant supervisor unhappy with the sloppy quality of their subordinate’s shift-ending mop work.

  • You think you can beat me in a footrace? I run faster than liberal corporations and film companies are removing their business from the state of Georgia.

  • Your voice is more nasally than Ben Shapiro with a sinus infection.

    • Liberal variation: Your voice is more nasally than Bill Maher with a sinus infection.

    • Hollywood variation: Your voice is more nasally than Fran Drescher with a sinus infection.

  • You do so many drugs, you could give circa 1970’s Rolling Stones a lesson.

    • Note: spoken from the perspective of someone throwing an intervention for a family member. Alcohol also works in this example.

  • My favorite show was cancelled like a celebrity caught saying something racist/homophobic/transphobic/Islamophobic/misogynist/mildly offensive.

  • I needed your dumb opinion on this comment thread like I needed those cute shoes I just got off Amazon.

  • I’m positive you have no reason to be so high on the body positivity scale.

    • Note: applicable in a fat-shaming situation

  • Speak up. You’re whispering like Billie Eilish singing ova’ heeeere.

  • You demolished those French Fries like FedEx drivers demolish packages.

  • Well, that did about as much good as a social activism hashtag.

  • I’d like you to massage me as deep as Fox News and CNN massage the news to fit their respective agendas.

    • Note: spoken from the perspective of a new client at a Shiatsu massage parlor.

  • We should go with them as our supplier. They make more crack than a quality chiropractor’s technique.

    • Note: spoken from the perspective of a crack dealer in the market for a new plug.

  • You could put a little effort into our sexual intimacy. Some nights it’s like having sex with a heroine addict who’s just shoved off.

  • I hate you more than social justice warriors hate the unfettered comedy stylings of Dave Chappelle!

  • That’s a lamer duck than Obama two years into his presidency when the DNC lost control of the House and the Senate.

    • Note: spoken from the perspective of a veterinarian giving his prognosis on an injured pet duck, or a duck enthusiast debating the merits of various duck breeds

  • Not every hill is worth dying on and not every Twitter feud is worth your lunch hour.

    • Note: what I would have said to Donald Trump on any given day of his presidency, were I one of his aides.

  • If a QAnon conspiracy married a C.S. Lewis fantasy novel, their baby would be less farfetched than that accusation.

    • Note: spoken from the perspective of a lover enduring recriminations.

  • Your IQ is lower than ___________’s (insert awards show of your choice) television ratings.

  • Our supervisor is more power-hungry than Democrats with a pandemic on their hands.

    • Democrat variation: You’re lazier and more negligent than Republicans with a pandemic on their hands.

  • You’re on your knees more than NFL players during the National Anthem.

    • Note: applicable in a slut-shaming situation

Hey there, beloved reader! Don’t stop reading yet. I enjoy writing and creating content for you, but I don’t get paid to do it just yet. Recently, I took on the Herculean task of fixing America and wrote a book on the subject; the very literal-titled “I’ll Fix America Tonight”. There is a a link where you can conveniently add the book to your Amazon cart (if you’re flush with about $20 in cash right now) or your wish list (if around $20 in cash is a little too much right now, but hypothetically not too much in the near future). Buy it, and help end poverty (namely my poverty). Thanks for reading!

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Absolutely dreadful people thankful to racists for getting all the attention

Absolutely dreadful people thankful to racists for getting all the attention

I think it's time we started seeing other viruses.

I think it's time we started seeing other viruses.