All tagged liberals
All human debates have wiggle room on both sides for both ends to be happy.
I do know this, a national abortion ban will mean more black babies being born, and we simply can’t have that.
I’ve been frantically searching for a reason to live since Trump was de-platformed.
I am mad I can’t date AOC. Mad as heckerdoodles.
That Truth is a silly and capricious guy, no? Never know what he’ll do next.
Joe actually dared take drugs the graduates of the Twitter School of Medicine didn’t approve of.
I’m about to declare a jihad on anyone who overuses “I’m about to declare a jihad on (insert annoying thing)” jokes, thereby trivializing the word.
It’s the government’s money. Who are we to tell them what to do with it?
Well played, Madam Vice (but soon to be in total command once she gets that old, creepy racist out of the way) President.
I’ve got to get his vaccine with his nanobots, and yet he can’t keep his personal life in order?
I, for one, couldn’t be more excited.
“These places are insured for that kind of thing.” next time you steal a luxury item you don’t need and can’t afford from a local retailer.
I needed your dumb opinion on this comment thread like I needed those cute shoes I just got off Amazon.
His Google searches were typically geared at seeing white and black leftists pull out their phone and vehemently excoriate, berate, and shout down black conservative voices.
“I’m a slave and oppressed just like my ancestors. I was ruminating on this as my chauffeur drove me around today.”