Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Unremarkable men are inventing new ways to victimize women

Unremarkable men are inventing new ways to victimize women

Call up History for a chat and see if you can glean his overall view of women from the way he talks about them. Spoiler alert, he’s not been too kind to them. I wouldn’t let History date my daughter or even walk her to her car after dark. History has a checkered past as regards the fairer sex so he’s got to be super jazzed about Lia Thomas and her ilk; actively making sure that real women know and stay in their place.

There’s a relatively unknown movie from 1993 entitled Mad Dog & Glory which has a scene I’ll never forget. David Caruso plays a cop confronting another police officer who’s a wife beater. The abusive husband is much larger and stronger than Caruso. The face-to-face camera shot accentuates this as Caruso’s character gets really close to him and has to look up in order to meet the man’s eyeline. He tells him to leave his wife’s presence without even turning around. The other cop complies in cowardly fashion. I’ll never forget this because I theorized then that men who will put their hands on a woman are afraid of other men. I’ve put the theory to the test on a few occasions, confronting and standing in between girl-punchers and the girls they punch. Not once did I think the man who was putting his hands on my friends was going to to do anything to me, and not once did it happen.

I am not a hero and that’s not a brag. I was doing what it is in the natural order of things to do. I think it is the role and duty of men to protect women. Whether God made us or evolution developed us, women have never—on average—grown with bodies faster, stronger, or as durable as men. They have the wonderful gift of childbirth that we men will never have. Our natural strength, speed, and endurance are on a sliding scale that some women who put in the work can achieve. Their gift is an on/off switch we can’t even approximate.

And that’s where unremarkable and wicked men keep coming into play. History attests that weak and terrible men will subjugate women, reduce them to sexual objects, enslave them, beat them, rape them, gain power so he can select them for his harem, and repeat. Now that some countries have mostly figured out that you shouldn’t do those things we have to manufacture other ways to make sure women don’t achieve real equality because of course we have to. There’s a Patriarchy to maintain, after all.

Only now we have a really odd and disturbing situation. Feminists of a certain ilk wanted equality for women and understand biology and reality, recognizing (even begrudgingly) that women are, ON THE AVERAGE, smaller and weaker than men. Which is why there is a need to raise up boys and men who don’t look to violate the boundaries of natural and legislated law by doing horrible things to them. Which is why there is also a need for good men to maintain vigilance against wicked men who aren’t raised with a sense of morality and what you are taking by hurting others.

The #METOO movement specifically addresses that. Women who have been assaulted, raped, kidnapped, trafficked, harassed, and violated in any number of ways are asking that we raise our men to see, acknowledge, and appreciate the value of another human’s life while acting accordingly. It’s also asking for men of influence and power to be held accountable if they use their power to give into wickedness. And it’s asking for good men of influence and power—no matter how insignificant the amount—to protect women from wicked men. These traditional feminists won’t abide chauvinism, diminishing, or devaluing of the word “woman” and all the experiences, hardships, joys, and liberties that come with the word.

But women who have aggressively coopted the term feminist have changed what the word meant, rejected reality, relegated science and biology behind arbitrary and irrefutable feelings of the soul/spirit and redefined what a word that’s got a good bit of historical and religious weight to back it up actually means. Not only that, they’ve propagandistically labeled women who won’t accept an infant definition as TERF’s. Calling someone “radical” and “exclusionary” hold emotional weight because words are a gift not to be abused and their proper usage is important; an irony apparently lost on these new societal semanticists. Stopping when things are still governed by reason and not taking them too far being a thing humans don’t really do, they’ve doxed, cancelled, excoriated, and threatened these TERF’s with reasonable punishments like loss of job and livelihood, rape, and the death of their children. I don’t need to paste a link anywhere because I’d twist a hamstring pasting all the links.

So let me get this straight. Men have a shaky past as regards protecting and revering women. We figure out after a long while of mistakes and misguidance in this great society that women deserve an equal shake and that being a woman is something special and no trifling matter, largely through the hard work of the feminists who came so far and so close to their goal. Then that work gets zealously rendered to naught by new feminists who snatch the term from older feminists like so many burgled valuables and want men to be women when they feel like a woman and won’t have it any other way. Not only that, when one of these men can’t excel at their chosen sport, they must be celebrated and awarded when they pulverize and obliterate women in the specific sporting arena they’ve chosen. This world is too crazy for me.

I’m not terribly in touch with my Native American roots and heritage as far as life practice. I was raised in a Christian home with western political ideals and capitalist practices. So, yeah, that bumps against the naturalistic religion of indigenous peoples. I am in touch with history and what America looked like before it was America. So I do know that some native tribes espoused the concept of “berdache”, or Two-spirit person; as it was coined a little more than thirty years ago. This was a person who didn’t fit gender roles and could have been a third gender.

I’ve seen this term used as argument for the validity of transgenders and the million-and-one other terms we’ve thrown at the wall to see if they’ll stick. I would argue that in a hunter-gatherer tribe for whom survival was a proposition in front of their face on the daily, even a person of berdache status was probably—at least on occasion—expected to bump their genitals with someone of compatible genitals so as to make some babies and continue the tribe. The other thing I’d argue is berdache is a spiritual and religious belief; same as Christianity’s doctrine of binary genders. Spiritual beliefs are intensely personal and not to be denied in a country where spiritual beliefs are among the rights protected by the first (and by numerical placement implicitly most important) amendment. This happens, of course, before realizing that Christians are always wrong about everything and anything not Christian trumps Christianity.

Lord haste the day when space travel allows future pilgrims to seek out another world. I’m glad this one is not my permanent home. I’m not a wicked man and have excelled in a few areas of my life (obviously not writing) but if I could get paid to prevent such things happening, I would. Guess I’ll quit my job and be a professional activist. That seems like a valid and lucrative career choice nowadays. At least I’ll do a better job of it than activists who don’t realize an activist should live in and acknowledging objective reality.

Hey there, beloved reader! Don’t stop reading yet. I enjoy writing and creating content for you. Recently, I took on the Herculean task of fixing America and wrote a book on the subject; the very literal-titled I’ll Fix America Tonight. There is a a link where you can conveniently add the book to your Amazon cart (if you’re flush with about $20 in cash right now) or your wish list (if around $20 in cash is a little too much right now, but hypothetically not too much in the near future). Buy it, and help end poverty (namely my poverty). Thanks for reading!

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