Hate all Jews and want them to like, stop existing and it’s all 1st Amendment free speech gravy train, man.
All in Social Commentary
Hate all Jews and want them to like, stop existing and it’s all 1st Amendment free speech gravy train, man.
This seems like a poorly veiled attempt at drumming up clicks.
I think we can all agree America wants brown folks to suffer.
I hope Jen doesn’t rewrite all of human history after this.
All human debates have wiggle room on both sides for both ends to be happy.
I’ve been frantically searching for a reason to live since Trump was de-platformed.
They keep the Oscar statue so small so no one can figure out just how racist he has been in the past and tear him down.
What would Madam History have to do in order to get our attention?
Can the person who told Truth it should get on Facebook come forward?
Along with his…pick any comedic old man cliché you’d like.
I am mad I can’t date AOC. Mad as heckerdoodles.
They rejected the idea of a PBS-esque pledge drive out of hand. Proof they’ve still got their dignity intact.
Maybe Keanu Reeves is hiding all the justice in the empty space between his ears.
The forced search-and-seizure of firearms has worked out so well for them.
Who wants to spend their time reassuring the vain and insecure?
It makes so much sense that I want to stick my head in a microwave.