When he reacts to an event, he needs an outlet for his emotions. He can’t just talk about it with his friends and family! Don’t be gross.
All in satire
When he reacts to an event, he needs an outlet for his emotions. He can’t just talk about it with his friends and family! Don’t be gross.
Must be unable to pass a drug screening or get out of bed before 10am.
“These places are insured for that kind of thing.” next time you steal a luxury item you don’t need and can’t afford from a local retailer.
“Gotta hand it to you, racists, you sure know how to take one for the team!”
I needed your dumb opinion on this comment thread like I needed those cute shoes I just got off Amazon.
“Whenever a republican talks about unifying the country after running a brazenly nasty, mudslinging, wham-dinger of a campaign, I get paid.”
Is baseball still a distant third in TV ratings behind basketball and football? We can work with that.
Weak logic, you say? Imagine how conservatives feel when confronted by logic from the left.
(shudders in disgust) “Why would you do something like that!?”
“I’ve always been a quick thinker, so I applied COVID pandemic logic to the dilemma.”
Sally Field should have had foresight. To play a horrible role like the mom in Mrs. Doubtfire and not expect to be cancelled twenty-eight years later?
Some people just won’t do things the way most of us do it. Does that make them weird and gross? Yes.
His Google searches were typically geared at seeing white and black leftists pull out their phone and vehemently excoriate, berate, and shout down black conservative voices.
Due to the earthshaking implications of this story, we called him on the red phone.
We’re not fascists. Those who disagree with us, get shouted down by us, and have their shop windows smashed by us are fascists.
…a bill detailing and enforcing a personal code of conduct for GOP senators, representatives, aides, lobbyists, and anyone who has ever mentioned Donald Trump in a positive light on their social media.
“I’m a slave and oppressed just like my ancestors. I was ruminating on this as my chauffeur drove me around today.”